Looking for a dedicated graphics card for my Asus M32 with an Intel i5-6400 processor

Ryan Matias

Dec 14, 2016
I have an Asus M32CD desktop with an Intel i5-6400 processor with an integrated graphics card. I was looking for a recommendation on buying a dedicated graphics card that would better support newer games (Fallout 4, Witcher 3, Final Fantasy XV). Is there specific one that would do best? What are couple options?
Something like a GTX 1060 6gb or an RX 480 would be a great combination for 1080p gaming and they cost around $200-$240. But for that you will very likely want (or need) to replace the power supply with a quality 550w unit for around $60.

Thank you. I was asking on New Egg if I needed a new power supply as well. They weren't able to tell me that. I appreciate your help.