looking for a future proof graphics card for my build


May 20, 2016
i wanted to get the rx 480 but reviews about it getting hot gives me second thoughts about buying it i want to play current and future games at 60+fps at 1366x768 resolution ultra settings

  • gigabyte ga h97m d3h atx lga1150
    antec earthwatts 650w 80+bronze green
    1tb seagate hard drive
    kingston hyperx blue 1600 8gb
    win 7 ultimate sp1 64bit
    intel i5 4590(getting soon)

That's the crippled version of the RX 480, as it has only 4GB of VRAM instead of 8GB.
It is still more than just 3GB from the GTX 1060 crippled one.

If you budget don't allow you to get a 8 or 6GB version of either, definetely go with the RX 480 4GB, it will be better than the 1060 3GB
Get yourself a GTX 1060, it's around the same price the RX 480 and IMO is better.
Lower power consumption and temps.

It can, with current games, max-out almost every single one in 1080p, so with your current res. it should be a piece of cake.
But if you wanna upgrade your monitor later on, a stronger card is advised, no doubt. Probably a GTX1070.

But if you don't plan on getting a better monitor, the 1060 will be enough for a very very very long time.
Rx480 is definitely the card if you are looking for a future proof card.Also Custom AIB rx 480 are not that hot.I have a Sapphire Nitro rx 480 OC and the max temp i got was 85(I have a room which is pretty hot and i dont have an AC).gtx 1060 is also good but lacks true dx12 feature.

1060 is a good card but it lacks true dx12 feature and is thus not future proof.Alsp 8gb vram will help over 6gb .Also amd cards have better driver maturation
The RX480 vs GTX 1060 debate largely centers around future DX12 performance. At your current resolution, either of these cards will work fine. I would say go with whichever you get a better deal on. I recently bought an XFX RX480 and have not had temperature issues.

XFX is a good card,i heard you can even overclock above 1400mhz while staying cool.Sadly i jumped the train too fast on availability and got the sapphire one.Though its not bad however XFX is a better deal.The max i was able to squeeze through was 1385mhz.

I have had 0 complains so far. Excellent card, excellent performance for me at 1080p.


We don't know how dx12 will perform, currently it's not that good... Also, not many game reach the full potential of 8GB nor 6GB so meh...

I'd always go with great now and maybe okay later than okay now and maybe great later.

Tech world IMO is meant to be in a constant upgrade path, there are no things like completely future proof as we can't foresee the future, so i wouldn't advise investing in something that we don't know that will perform nicely after a few months. Ofc AMD has that history in it's GPU, but as i stated, we cannot foresee the future, unfortunately.

While i agree with you on DX12 part.Both cards are similar or somewhat same on Performance.While nvidia excels in dx11 and opengl ,amd excels in dx12 and vulkan.However for future proofing i would go with a amd card.


Power efficient
Runs cooler
Excels in dx11 games

No true DX12 card(Async)
Only 6gb vram


8gb vram
True Dx12 card(Async)
Better Vulkan support
Better driver maturation

Runs hotter than 1060
Takes a bit more power than 1060.
Bad at dx11

windows 7 is directx12 supported
It is true what toot12311 said about Nvidia drivers being horrid on their older products. Every Nvidia card I've owned would result in progressively worse performance after each driver update once the next generation of hardware was released.
AMD's on the otherhand appear to do the exact opposite for me in that you may have some driver issues with recently released hardware, but it continues to improve over time.

i have win 7 and direct x 12 is not supported only direct x 11 and you said the rx 480 is bad at direct x 11 which worries me
Both will work in DX11, GTX working better in that aspect, but RX 480 will also work as well.

If you plan on upgrading your OS, they maybe you should consider the RX 480.
If not, stick with the 1060. It will work better in W7 than the RX 480.

I wouldn't switch to W10 based in my personal opinion alone. I do not like that OS, but if you feel comfortable with it, it's a good option.

the 1060 is over budget should i get this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150775&cm_re=rx_480-_-14-150-775-_-Product

That's the crippled version of the RX 480, as it has only 4GB of VRAM instead of 8GB.
It is still more than just 3GB from the GTX 1060 crippled one.

If you budget don't allow you to get a 8 or 6GB version of either, definetely go with the RX 480 4GB, it will be better than the 1060 3GB