Looking for a gaming headset.

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Feb 15, 2014
I have been searching around to find the absolute best gaming & more headset, with no specific price range in mind. I was looking at, and about to buy, the Astro A40s - but then I found out that they do not cancel noise well, people nearby could hear the audio. That's a big downside to me.

Features I'd like:
-7.1 Surround Sound
-Noise-Cancelling (As in, cancels environmental noise and people around me can't hear it)
-Cross-platform (PC, Xbox 360/One, PS3/4)
-Preferably a mix-amp (included or available)
-Carrying case (included or available)
-Highest quality build/specs
-Comfortable to wear for long periods of time.


P.S. For an example, the ASUS Strix Pro gaming headset looks really nice, but it's not cross-compatible with other platforms outside of the PC/PS4/smartphone categories, so I sort of discarded it. (Correct me if I'm wrong, and it actually does work with Xbox 360/One, PS3 - it wasn't too clear on the website: https://www.asus.com/Gaming/STRIX_PRO/)
Just a recommendation of what not to buy, is the Astro A40s. I know you said you probably won't get them for their lack of noise cancelling, I would suggest not getting them. Overall I see alot of people complaining of issues that had occured (myself as one of the people with issues) and I was forced to return them. Also, is their any price range you could give on your budget?

Thanks for the reply!

I am thinking the price range would generally be around the Astro A40 range, I am willing to buy even higher than that I believe, within reason, of course.
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