Looking for a gaming mouse and headset/headphones.

Nov 5, 2014
As the title states, looking for a great and reliable gaming mouse and headset (with microphone included) or headphones (no microphone). I don't care whether it's headphones or a headset be only slightly prefer headset.

If you have any suggestions, please tell me! :)
Hardware Canucks is always on point with their recommendations. I would avoid anything Logitech, not because they don't make good products but because their reliability and quality control is all over the place. So here are their top 5 recommendations for mice:


And here are all of their videos on gaming headsets:

In general read reviews and find out what each products strong points and weaknesses are and decide which product is best for you! I use a Utechsmart Mars mouse and love it. (Budget all the way!)

Hardware Canucks is always on point with their recommendations. I would avoid anything Logitech, not because they don't make good products but because their reliability and quality control is all over the place. So here are their top 5 recommendations for mice:


And here are all of their videos on gaming headsets:

In general read reviews and find out what each products strong points and weaknesses are and decide which product is best for you! I use a Utechsmart Mars mouse and love it. (Budget all the way!)

For the mouse I would recommend this: http://www.amazon.com/UtechSmart-Programmable-programmable-Customizing-Manufacturers/dp/B00FNKMVUO/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t It is much less expensive than something like a Razer, but has all of the same high-end features like 18 programmable buttons, customizable LEDs and up to 16400 dpi. It is really just a pretty great mouse overall. For the headset I would recommend this: http://www.amazon.com/Razer-Kraken-Chroma-Gaming-Headset/dp/B00MTWV0RO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1422137691&sr=8-1&keywords=razer+kraken+7.1&pebp=1422137692359&peasin=B00MTWV0RO It is overall a quality headset which has 7.1 chroma which sound amazing. If you do not want the 7.1 chroma or 7.1 surround at all it will be much cheaper.
Personally, if you're looking for a good gaming mouse, i would suggest a Razer 2014 MMO Gaming mouse, the Epic version if you want a wireless mouse. It has tons of customizations you can make, and has numbered buttons on the side if you need those. And for the headset, i've been using Steelseries Siberea V2 for a few years now, and i love them. Great sound quality and the mic is clear as well.