Looking for a Good 1440p Monitor That's Well Priced


Jun 21, 2016
Hello People,
I'm looking for a 1440p monitor to game on. I'm not hardcore or anything and so I am fine with 60hz. I currently have a 7 year old samsung "monitor." It is 23 inches and I'm looking to upgrade. I would like a 1440p monitor that I can game on. I have a gtx 1060 so I know I won't be able to max out most games at 1440p, but I'm fine with that. Also I have no problem downscaling games, because I'm more looking for the 1440p aspect for media. I am considering the Dell UltraSharp U2515Hx because it has good reviews and a great warranty


While it is a nice monitor, I would prefer a 27 inch monitor. Any recommendations? My budget is around $350
