Looking for a Good Case Fan (120mm)


Dec 28, 2014
Just as the title says, I'm looking for a good case fan to go with a NZXT 630 Phantom. I'm not looking to spend much on it since I'm over budget on a new build. I'm looking for something that is reliable and pretty quiet. What are some fans out there worth buying? I've been looking at Cooler Master ones and Rosewill. They all seem to have some kind of negative feedback no matter what. Seems like a game of chance with the fans.
Thanks for the quick replies! I love the Noctua fans but I would like to save a bit more money than that. Looked at the Corsairs and them seem pretty good for the money and great reviews as well.

Just to make sure I'm covering all of my bases, what would be the next step down from a Corsair AF series? Anything in the $10 range? Or is it just not worth it?
Good to know. I noticed that the Corsair doesn't move as much air as the Silverstone and the Cougar. I have no clue how much of a factor that is going to play in a case that already has 3 fans that come it. I'm thinking adding another one is going to a bit overkill, especially since I'm planning on getting an aftermarket heat sink for the CPU.

The thing that would tip it over the edge is what fan is going to last the longest?