Looking for a good Flight Sim PC


Jun 25, 2017
Hello, all!

I will be upgrading my PC soon as I want to build a sim pit/ sim desk and it is rather outdated. I want the PC to run X-Plane 11 at 1080P around 40-50FPS High-Ultra settings most likely on a projector. Will this system be capable of living up to the task?


I believe it will since my current setup i5 4460 and GTX 970 runs X-Plane ultra 1080p at 30FPS. I don't need a case as it will be built into the desk, also another 8GB stick of RAM will be added further down the line as well as a HDD. I'm trying to keep the cost as low as possible so I can make the desk similar to a cockpit with switches, buttons, etc to achieve something similar to this: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/af/2b/69/af2b6914290e90999a2338d7f31491b6.jpg

Kind regards, Ellis.

I would like it to stay near the cost the current system that I made on PC Part Picker has but I guess I can spend a bit more. No, I haven't purchased anything yet.