Looking for a good PC graphic card


Mar 20, 2016
I have 32-bit Intel i3 3.30Ghz 2nd gen processor with 2gb RAM.I want to buy a good graphic card for my pc.By analyzing all the nvidia graphic cards i wanna chose between GeForce GTX 950 And GeForce GTX 960.Therefore i wanna know which one will support my i3 2nd gen processor in a better way and why..?!?
Please Help me..!!!

If you can't afford both, just get the ram+950, it will let you play most games in low to medium settings at 1080p, and things like DOTA at high settings and >60fps
That's no such processor, ALL Core i3 chips are 64bit!

That said, the 950 or 960 will work fine if your motherboard has updated BIOS to support PCIe 3.0. Both will work as intended for most games, though you WILL be memory limited with that 2GB of ram. I would suggest you get the 950 and spend the rest on a 2x4gb memory pair.

Very easy, but requires reinstalling Windows (and all software). If you don't have the 64bit install disk and it's OEM, you can upgrade to Windows 10 32bit first, then follow the instructions at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 to install the 64 bit version

Just remember you should upgrade to 8gb to improve performance
If you can't fit the RAM and GTX 950 into your budget you could always get the EVGA GeForce GTX 750Ti FTW Edition but if you do have the money then defo go with the 950. It's an awesome card for non over-the-top 1080p.

If he was considering the 960 he can certainly get both the 950 and memory 😉 In fact, it might even be cheaper!

Quite true but you can't be sure in some countries and as the guy didn't say where he is from I just wanted to mention it just in case. But yeah, the 950 and the 8gigs will pack punch in 1080p

I am from India can u please tell about this


Well I'm from Ireland so for me to get that RAM from Amazon UK it would be like £30 which is about €40 to get Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB (2x4) kit which was the lowest I could find for 8GB (2x4) from a high quality manufacturer but I've just checked on Amazon IN and for that exact kit of RAM it's equal to almost €80, twice that of how much you can get RAM here. But then again going further, you can see that in US that exact kit of RAM is $33 and VAT rates in America are lower than Europe as far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong) and I'm not gonna bother see what the price is after VAT so let's say it would be max something like $40 and that is €35 so in USA it's even cheaper than UK. Now obviously I wouldn't get the RAM in US because the shipping and import duty is massive and will probably double the cost but my point is that buying the same part in different countries will vary the price.


Here in india i can get 8gb RAM for Rs.3000/- umm..that will be around $48.But if i order it from US,UK the VAT would be much more higher.So i should go with the $48 one because its the total price including taxes.Here in India Graphic card GeForce GTX 960 it about Rs.22000/- that will be $354.

If you can't afford both, just get the ram+950, it will let you play most games in low to medium settings at 1080p, and things like DOTA at high settings and >60fps
okay thanks to everyone..now please tell me..how many here are boys and how many are girls so that to boys i can say thankyou..and for the girls..aahaan..wanna give each of them a kiss..!!..rest is their will..!!!😉