Looking for a good single-card, single monitor solution..


Jan 2, 2015
Going to be building either an OC'd i5 or i7 machine later this year. For now tho, I've got an aging G9650 and a OC edition of a 750i GPU w G-sync. I'm ready to pitch the old monitor and need something that this machine will drive (I assume G-sync) and still be useful when I move on to the i5 and a newer GPU (I've had better luck with Nvidea). Looking for a new monitor. Any good suggestions? I'd hope the 1440's will be dropping a bit with the advent of 4K..but...who can say. Not that interested in 4K. I don't game professionally or anything and I'm never an early adopter. Thanks in advance.
Here is for 1080p: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Kqq9Bm

There is a cheaper monitor but it only has displayport connector, that's it, I don't think you'd want only 1 connector on a monitor if something goes wrong with it.

Here is for 1440p: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/27ZgZL

You could try to get your hands on the Tempest Overlord if you want, that's the only other monitor with the specs you want, but it is pretty hard to find a place with it in stock.
If you want 1080p g sync, I'd get 1x gtx 970 for ultra settings, if you want 1440p g sync, I'd get 1x 980 for ultra settings, g sync monitors are $450+, 970s are around $350, 980s are around $550. So are you willing to spend that much?
Here is for 1080p: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Kqq9Bm

There is a cheaper monitor but it only has displayport connector, that's it, I don't think you'd want only 1 connector on a monitor if something goes wrong with it.

Here is for 1440p: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/27ZgZL

You could try to get your hands on the Tempest Overlord if you want, that's the only other monitor with the specs you want, but it is pretty hard to find a place with it in stock.
Thank you for the excellent responses. I've not seen huge jumps in GPUs reslution between the 1st tier and 2nd tier solutions - it's usually just more features (i.e. better support for multiple monitors) so I'll check the specs on both of those GPUs, but ask you if you in your opinion :Is the more expensive card worth the money for a single monitor? I've been leaning hard towards the 1440 G-sync solution exactly so I can play in Ultra. But I admit to running things like Diablo or WOW or FF14 where Ultra is not as demanding as the FPS' are. I like the idea of 1440. (And part of this is I am hopeful Destiny comes out for the PC as my hands are cramping from playing it on PS4). Thanks for the info. Picking the second response. If you can add any info given the games I play, please do.
I've only suggested the 980 because you said you wanted a single card solution, otherwise I'd have suggested 2x 970s, that would give you ultra settings on 1440p with no problems at all. They would have been about the same price, the 980 is actually only 10-20% better than the 970, so again I've only suggested that because you wanted 1 card. I've never played either of those games, so I'm afraid I don't have any info on that.

Edit: But the gtx 980 is the best single card available right now until like a few months later. It'll still give you what you wanna do if you still wanna stick with single card solution.
I've SLI'd before. Didn't like it. So yes you have it exactly right. It sounds like the 980 is the way to go.
That said, I know sometimes for the money you are better with 2 cards since it removes a lot of chokepoints when you have two working together...
Thanks again.