Looking for a Good sized ATX Gaming Case


Mar 23, 2005
I have come into a problem with my choice of case.
Mid ATX case is too small to accomodate 2 video cards at the bottom of the motherboard area.
I need something with Extra room in the lower area, also one
that doesn't want me to house a HDD directly in front of the port area either.
So, VIVO case that apparently got good marks has fallen WAYYY short on space.
I can barely squeeze the audio and control cables past the R7 370
laughing as I go. The wires to the front are just silly. No length
OK. So I admit I still live in the stone age.
My last Real full build was in 2001 and that was No real feat.
I've spent the last several years just tweaking my store bought PC's, but I must move on.
I just went for a case, but now I'm learning again about space and accomodating current hardware
Any suggestions appreciated
keep it reasonable.

Looking at this as a possible replacement:

That's pretty much perfect.