Looking for a gpu for this motherboard


Apr 12, 2012
So basically my boss has this PC at work and when he plays HD videos on Youtube it starts to stutter. I think there is something wrong with his GPU or his GPU is really low end and it cannot play HD. One more thing, when he tries to switch to 1080p resolution the screen starts to go messed up the whole screen starts to slowly move left and right.

His PC specs

Intel Celeron 331

Mother board is Asus P5PE-VM

GPU is some onboard graphics

PSU 400W

His motherboard has 3 PCI slots

also there is a AGP 8X slot on there as well

My question is what gpu should I upgrade to and what is a AGP 8X slot, is it better than PCI slot?

Thank you

The stuff you're telling us is so outdated that you might as well be talking about stone-age technology. I think it's better if you just give us a budget for a whole new system.