Looking for a GPU.


Oct 15, 2013
Need a Good GPU...most of the time i play only csgo and dota2, other games i play only on medium or high setting so i dont need any high end gpu just it should be good enough for csgo and other games which can run in high setting.

ECS A55F2-M3
Amd A4-4000
4gb Ram
500 GB HDrive

Had this version of sapphire HD 7770, after all settting and config it was giving 90-110 fps.(but sadly its not working anymore. (for now playing on cpu graphics xD 30-40 fps).


Budget around 10000 - 15000 (230$).

too much CPU bottleneck here. your missing quite a good chunk of performance because of this. (had a 260x paired with an ahtlon2 x3, performance was pathetic compared to when i put the 260x on an i5).

also the power supply that you have is like 120 watts only (designed for Pentium4 it says, dayummm). +12v rails on 10Amps. that could be the culprit why your 7770 eventually got toasted.

best course of action here is to get yourself a fm2 quadcore APU, and upgrade your PSU. the GPU upgrade, you can think about it later when you accumulate more cash.

Your 3.2 GHz dual core will limit you to another card in that class if you want to avoid bottleneck. We need to know the PSU you have to make a safe recommendation. Not just the total watts, but the +12V rails specs as well. That should be on the PSU's nameplate. If not accessible, tell us the make and model of PSU.

But I am guessing that if the HD 7770 worked OK, you could probably use a GTX 950 safely for a pretty good performance boost. A GTX 750 Ti would be about the same performance as your HD 7770

Ya HD 7770 was working very good, i think for 2 and half year it worked fine. but suddenly one day display for struck and shutdown, later restart after windows logo it goes black screen...


This is my power supply tech-com 500w....sorry i am showing you this site instead of giving you details its very late night here so if this link dont give info i will give you detail about my power supply morning.

Any AMD GPU suggestions??? Sadly in india its very costly so suggest around 200$....tyty.
Unfortunately, I can't find any specs on that PSU. Or verify the quality. But if it held up with the HD 7770, it should be good with the GTX 750 Ti: http://www.hwcompare.com/17310/geforce-gtx-750-ti-vs-radeon-hd-7770/

If it is a 'real' 550W PSU and not a cheap knock-off, you could go to maybe to the GTX 950: http://www.hwcompare.com/20609/geforce-gtx-950-vs-radeon-hd-7770/
Or maybe the R7-360: http://www.hwcompare.com/19215/radeon-hd-7770-vs-radeon-r7-360/

But anything more powerful would be wasted due to the CPU bottleneck. I don't know the costs of those cards in India and the Flipcart website you posted won't let me search. "Problem loading page"


Took a pic of power supply hope this helps.......

i guess only option for me is GTX 750 Ti 🙁 , rest r damn costly........sadness.
Either you can go for this one
Or If you are tight on budget you can go for this one

even I am using the zotac one and its great. The plus point of this card is that it does not requires a 6 pin connector seeing that you have a local PSU (like mine) it wont have a 6pin.
But if you can buy gtx 950 there are molex 4 pin to 6 pin adapters available but that is not recommended and for that we need to weather your PSU has a molex cable or not.
too much CPU bottleneck here. your missing quite a good chunk of performance because of this. (had a 260x paired with an ahtlon2 x3, performance was pathetic compared to when i put the 260x on an i5).

also the power supply that you have is like 120 watts only (designed for Pentium4 it says, dayummm). +12v rails on 10Amps. that could be the culprit why your 7770 eventually got toasted.

best course of action here is to get yourself a fm2 quadcore APU, and upgrade your PSU. the GPU upgrade, you can think about it later when you accumulate more cash.


MotherBoard - msi-z97


CPU - AMD AM3+ FX 6-Core Edition FX-6300 3.5 GHz


GPU - R9 270x


Power supply - Corsair VS 650


Case - Master Elite 431


Ram - Transcend 4gb ddr3 (Already have one so getting one more).


Above items good?????? please suggest if you have any good or better items which you know in low price and as more features than above items.