Looking for a gpu

Aug 20, 2016
My pc specs are:

Processor:Intel Pentium Dual Core E5700

Motherboard:Intel G41-M7 v1.0

Ram:8 GB

Power Supply:500 watt

Hard Drive:500 GB

Monitor Resolution:1600x900

So what kind of GPU can I add in my pc
A couple of years ago I added an R7 250 to my old computer, it's an e5200, G31 chipset. I had no issues with it being compatible, put it in installed drivers and all worked well. However even that GPU is limited by the CPU, and your e5700 is only a slight improvement. So, YES, anything more than the 750Ti is money wasted. However the more powerful cards will still work, but the chances of lag spikes increases as the size of the bottleneck increases.

I seriously doubt the aging dual core and the mid-range gfx card can get more than medium settings and still be playable. Even at 1600x900. Here's a video that purports to be playing at 720P (1366x768) on Ultra. The poster says it didn't feel smooth. And he's using a Ivy Bridge quad core.
But I read other posts in this site.There I find that Intel Pentium Dual Core E5700 bottlenecks even gt 520,gtx 650.In that case a gtx 750 TI or 950 must be bottlenecked by the processor.So how much the processor bottlenecks the gtx 950 or 750 TI.It is bigger or not please tell me.
CPU bottleneck is a vague thing. It depends on the game/game engine. If the game is CPU bound or GPU bound. And CPU bottleneck isn't always a deal killer. If occasional CPU bottleneck occurs, overall it is still better to have the faster card. Yes, the GTX 950 may get you higher framerates than the GTX 750 Ti in single player mode, but multiplayer gaming on a busy server needs more CPU horsepower.
Can I add a gtx 960 4gb ddr5?Can my motherboard support gtx 750 ti or gtx 950 or gtx 960?But in this site at another account a poster told me that gtx 750 TI is over than my PC specs?Does a GPU depend on what?If I add a gtx 950 or gtx 960 can it work or it is a waste of money.
A couple of years ago I added an R7 250 to my old computer, it's an e5200, G31 chipset. I had no issues with it being compatible, put it in installed drivers and all worked well. However even that GPU is limited by the CPU, and your e5700 is only a slight improvement. So, YES, anything more than the 750Ti is money wasted. However the more powerful cards will still work, but the chances of lag spikes increases as the size of the bottleneck increases.

Why spend a lot more money to get an extra frame or two? Yes, it's possible that in some benchmarks you may gain a little, but in real world games you won't, it's also possible you will have a lot more lag spikes too. As I said earlier, even the 750Ti is more than your CPU can really handle, but it will work....so unless you are going to upgrade the rest of your system sometime shortly, there is no point getting anything more powerful than the 750Ti.

Ok, I just had a quick look at prices on a couple of Bangladesh sites. The cheapest 750Ti I saw was 11,500. I did also see the R7 250 at 6,800 for the 1GB and 7,500 for the 2GB. Personally I think the R7 250 would be a better choice as it's cheaper and as I already told you, my old Pentium e5200 can't really use the card to it's full potential, so your e5700 won't do much better. It's totally up to you how much you want to spend, but unless you upgrade the rest of your computer, it's not worth spending more on a better card.