Looking for a GTX 950 with LEDS


I always advice against multi gpu configuration especially with lower end cards. They give quite a few issues and a lot of games don't support sli anymore. It's always better to have 1 strong card than 2 weaker cards. I advice you sell your 950 and get a 1060 or rx480 instead.
Is there any reason you want a gtx 950 specifically? You could easily get a gtx 1050 and enjoy a nice performance boost.

What are your pc specs and budget? I can help you find something.

No it is not that situation of price. Its just that I already have a GTX 950 and I plan to SLI the two cards together. Budget is not a problem

I always advice against multi gpu configuration especially with lower end cards. They give quite a few issues and a lot of games don't support sli anymore. It's always better to have 1 strong card than 2 weaker cards. I advice you sell your 950 and get a 1060 or rx480 instead.
There are a lot of reasons not to use dual cards. Besides having to buy two cards, you need a more powerful PSU than you'd need for one card, you need a more expensive motherboard that supports dual cards, and you're performance is still going to be limited by game support for dual cards. Plus if you wait too long, then the card your using even in SLI won't be all that powerful anymore. I think the time to SLI 950s passed long ago, if performance was your goal.

Having said that, if I really wanted lighting on something, I'd just buy the lights and add it myself. Those LEDs can be powered just as easily from the USB ports or some kind of lighting controller as they can by the videocard.