Looking for a Laptop for heavy gaming and 3d software $1500 (USA)

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Dec 16, 2013
Hi folks, I'm looking for a laptop that would be able to handle running all the 3d modeling/animation software, game design software, and heavy gaming (playing game at highest resolution) Is this possible to achieve with just $1500?! I need to buy it as soon as possible, online, within this week, and must be shipped to me before December ends because I'm leaving for another country in January. All helps are appreciated. Cheers

1. What is your budget?

2. What is the size of the notebook that you are considering?
17 inch+

3. What screen resolution do you want?
Highest? (whatever that's suitable within my price range)

4. Do you need a portable or desktop replacement laptop?
desktop replacement, but id bring it to school/work once in a while

5. How much battery life do you need?
3? as long as possible

6. Do you want to play games with your laptop? If so then please list the games that you want to with the settings that you want for these games. (Low,Medium or High)?
yes, heavy games, and i want to play it with highest resolution

7. What other tasks do you want to do with your laptop? (Photo/Video editing, Etc.)
3d modeling/animation/game design softwares, Web Surfing, Photo Editing, Video Editing, Graphic Intense 3D Gaming

8. How much storage (Hard Drive capacity) do you need?
750 I guess?

10. How long do you want to keep your laptop?
4 years. as long as it could last

11. What kind of Optical drive do you need? DVD ROM/Writer,Bluray ROM/Writer,Etc ?
dvd is fine

12. Please tell us about the brands that you prefer to buy from them and the brands that you don't like and explain the reasons.
no brands in particular.

13. What country do you live in?

I'm a total newbie when it comes to this things, so i'd really appreciate it if you guys give me a link with the laptops already customized? hahaha or is this too much. sorry.
I have a couple of recommendations for you. You should check out the high end HP Envy, ASUS ROG G750, or if you want some more flexibility you should take a look at Digital Storm, they make custom gaming notebooks and desktops. Their stuff comes at a premium but its high quality.
Hey thanks for the suggestion. How does MSI compare to the 2nd link you gave me though? http://www.amazon.com/MSI-Series-GT70-2OC-065US-17-3-Inch/dp/B00CU9GLUM/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1387253670&sr=8-7&keywords=msi
thats the msi im talking about. I slightly prefer MSI because of the design but i dont know jack bout the specs.


Here's my essay response.

The MSI link you gave has a faster video card, maybe 30% to 40% or so faster, but the hard drive is slightly slower. That's how manufacturers (not just MSI but all of them) rip you off, so you pay even more for a laptop that has slightly faster things. It also has 8GB RAM, which is kinda like the minimum I'd want these days. The good thing about the MSI is that if it's like the one I purchased (MSI GE Series GE70 2OE-071US - which I got for a friggen $1,050 STEAL last week, which is normally like $1,350 - and I could hardly believe it because I thought they messed up, and could hardly believe it even more when I was opening up the box lol), is that it has a button for a higher fan speed, to help cool down the laptop. It works pretty good, and in my estimation, it may very well extend the life of the laptop. This one has better video card for gaming although the other two can do high or medium high on most games.. this one is just better at it. And like I said, the fan is nice... but they ripped you off on the hard drive.

The Gigabyte one has a slightly slower video card, but the hard drive is faster so your things will load a little faster. It also has 12GB RAM, which is good. It's not huge, but better. But you're saving like $300 to $350 off the other ones, which you can use to spend like $100 on an SSD (solid state drive), which is super fast, and still save like $200 or so. This one saves you the most cash.

The Asus one is actually a generation older for the CPU and video card, but the CPU for all three laptops are comparable. The video card is comparable to the Gigabyte one. However, the Asus has 16GB RAM *and* more importantly, it has an SSD. SSDs are super duper fast. It's like 2-3 times faster than the Gigabyte and like 3-4 times faster than the MSI. That means Windows will boot up super dang fast, and by the time you get to the desktop, you can start doing things. The other two laptops, you have to wait. For example, my desktop computer has an SSD and my other one does not. The one that does not, it comes up to the desktop, I wait like 45 secs for all the junk to load, and then I launch MS Word 2010 and it takes another 10 seconds. The SSD one, I get to the desktop (in like 1/3 the time) and I can immediate load MS Word (in only like 1-2 seconds) or get on the Internet (immediately - no delay other than the internet). It also has a BLU-ray player while the others do not. This one is good if you want everything without having to work hard for it.

Having said all that, I have purchased regular desktop motherboards from all three manufacturers and built many, many quality computers from the ground up. All three manufacturers are all good and their motherboards are rock solid. I would hope the same of their laptops lol.
If you're unsure about screen size, go to your local computer store like Frys or Best Buy (but don't get suckered into buying something). Go look at the various laptop screens and play around with them. I personally picked a 17.3 inch with 1080p because I'm a power user. I prefer the real estate more than anything.
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