Looking For A Low Budget Gaming Monitor.


Jan 21, 2018
Hello! I am very proud to say that I built my first gaming PC just yesterday! Currently, I am running an AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 8GB of ddr4 2400 ram, and a gtx 750 ti I got for free from a friend. For a display, I am currently rocking a Samsung TV from 2009. Clearly, I am in need of a new display. The TV is only 720p, and stutters when playing games. Does anyone know some budget friendly gaming monitors? My budget is under $200. Thanks!
I don't think I'd qualify the above monitor as a "gaming monitor". Since it doesn't have gsync and its at 5 ms. Which isn't totally bad but I would suggest lower ms.

Something like this monitor.


Problem is, Gsync enabled monitors cost more since they have to physically install a chip to make it function. Freesync doesn't so you can get those monitors for cheaper. Here is the same monitor for basically half the price in Freesync.


What I would do if I was you. Is purchase the freesync enabled monitor. Then at a later date purchase an AMD GPU so you can use the freesync. It is basically the same cost compared to purchasing one Gsync enabled monitor.
Obviously freesync is not imporant for 750ti because its not compatible... read what I stated. I said Freesync is cheaper and would state get that monitor then upgrade to an AMD GPU at a later time to get freesync enabled.

And why go for 5ms when you get better for the same price?

If a monitor doesn't have freesync or gsync I would not consider it to be a "gaming monitor" and you are gimping yourself by not getting it the technology compatible with your card for future cards.


different models, but tell you that 1ms or 5ms is not telling the whole story. Input lag is more important than display lag and the IPS one in the video is actually better for input lag


A good read on input lag and display lag: https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/33m6at/discussion_input_lag_vs_response_time_which_do_i/
Right again. My claim still remains the same. If you can get a 1ms monitor with freesync for the same price of a 5ms monitor without freesync... its kinda obvious what is a gaming monitor and what isnt.

I have two of these AOC monitors one with freesync and one with gsync, they are just awesome. I'm speaking from first hand experience of the devices.

You are focused on the MS, I said it twice that 5 MS is fine but if you can get 1ms with freesync or gsync then your getting a better value for your cash since that is an actual gaming monitor. The one you linked is simply not.