Looking for a low budget upgrade! Prove range $250

Daniel Solorio

Feb 3, 2015
Hello everyone.I'm petty new to this site and all this over all.I'm sort of a Gamer but don't have anything fancy.I'm the guy who buys something expensive then learns there is a better over for what you want with the same value.I'm upset but not rich so i can't just buy a new computer.Sorry the point was to ask.

this is my computer.I wanted to know if i could upgrade the CPU and put a better AMD in there and also upgrade the graphics card. And if i did that would i have to get a better power brick installed.
Guys please help. I have no idea where to go now.It would mean a lot.I have to go to college and would love a nice way to vent after a lot of homework. I want to turn it into a gaming PC.
The first thing you'll want to do is upgrade your PSU. Your setup currently has a 300W in it, which just isn't enough to run a discrete GPU. Set aside about $75 and get a 500W-650W unit. From there, you could get pretty much any single GPU to run in your system.

While it's not blazing fast, you could get by running your current CPU until after you've figured out the GPU.
The first thing you'll want to do is upgrade your PSU. Your setup currently has a 300W in it, which just isn't enough to run a discrete GPU. Set aside about $75 and get a 500W-650W unit. From there, you could get pretty much any single GPU to run in your system.

While it's not blazing fast, you could get by running your current CPU until after you've figured out the GPU.


could this work? recommendations? I get like 20-30 frames in games i dont much much better, If i can get a stable 30 frames or slightly higher but STABLE on ANYthing? What GPU do you think it would be?