Looking for a microphone that can record me behind the camera AND my friend in front of the camera?!?


Nov 29, 2015
I like making youtube videos with my friend. Usually, when we record I'll be behind the camera and he'll be in front. I like talking in these videos but most of the shotgun mics and built-in mics won't pick my voice up very well. So I'm looking for one that will pick both me and my friend up clearly.

A microphone with a Figure-8 or bidirectional pickup pattern is sensitive to sound coming from the front and coming from the rear, but has a very high rejection for sound coming from the sides.

Ribbon microphones have this inherent pickup pattern.

Microphone polar patterns

I would think a y adapter would do the job of connecting two males to a single female port. while not the ideal situation it will work far better than the current scenario. your microphone could be trigger activated to cut down on interference that the adapter may introduce