Looking for a mid priced case with a window and good airflow


Jan 22, 2018

I built a new pc and bought Thermaltake View 27. It looks nice but it has poor airflow.

It’s for water builds I’m guessing. I have a cpu radiator which I’m getting good temps 45C on an overclocked ryzen 1700 3.8ghz oc

But my gpu is too hot for my liking underload with the side off I’m. Getting 69C (msi gtx 1080 gaming x)

With the side on its pushing 78C with a custom fan curve on and off.

Any good cases someone can reccomend that doesn’t break the bank too? Also with a top mounted rad 240mm. I have my radiator mounted at the front atm I’m guessing that’s not helping.

Also are the PCI fan mounts any good for underneath the gpu to blow air into it?

One solid case to go for would be Corsair 450D,
specs: https://www.corsair.com/eu/en/Categories/Products/Cases/Obsidian-Series%E2%84%A2-450D-Mid-Tower-PC-Case/p/CC-9011049-WW
pcpp: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/9JvRsY/corsair-case-cc9011049ww
video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bmDAfZha44

With this case, you have option to mount your 240mm rad either at the front, on the top or even at the bottom. Though, i'd mount the rad as top exhaust in pull configuration. As far as cooling goes, case comes with 2x AF140L front intake fans and 1x AF120L rear exhaust fan. For additional cooling for your GPU, do mount at least 1x 120mm bottom intake fan. For better cooling, mount both 120mm bottom intake fans while moving the HDD cage...
One solid case to go for would be Corsair 450D,
specs: https://www.corsair.com/eu/en/Categories/Products/Cases/Obsidian-Series%E2%84%A2-450D-Mid-Tower-PC-Case/p/CC-9011049-WW
pcpp: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/9JvRsY/corsair-case-cc9011049ww
video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bmDAfZha44

With this case, you have option to mount your 240mm rad either at the front, on the top or even at the bottom. Though, i'd mount the rad as top exhaust in pull configuration. As far as cooling goes, case comes with 2x AF140L front intake fans and 1x AF120L rear exhaust fan. For additional cooling for your GPU, do mount at least 1x 120mm bottom intake fan. For better cooling, mount both 120mm bottom intake fans while moving the HDD cage to hang from ODD bay.

My Haswell build, full specs with pics in my sig, also sits in a very similar PC case. To be exact, it's in the bigger version of 450D called as 750D Airflow Edition. Both 450D and 750D are very similar with the exception of 750D being bigger and having one extra 5.25" external slot.