Looking for a motherboard or something....


Sep 14, 2011
So I'm building a MINI ITX based system in a little bitty custom case. If I go with AMD I Can use one of their FM2 Trinity based APUs and get multi core with a decent (not fantastic but decent) video card built in. I Don't have the room for video card that is longer than the edge of the motherboard.... so in this regards, the AMD option is a good choice. However, I would RATHER use an Intel CPU but if I go intel and stick the the above limitations I'm left with Intel's crapy built in video. So......

I'm curious if anyone knows of maybe an Intel board.... MINI ITX... that has a discrete class video card built in..... OR know of a video card less than 7 inches long that performs better than AMD's APU Graphics card?

heat is part of the reason I'd prefer an intel CPU..... however this system is going to see some above average gaming action and will be pushing potentially 2 or 3 monitors worth of pixels when doing so. I've seen the Intel HD4000 running some of the games I play and they do alright..... I'm trying to find out if I can do better tho..... thus the post:)