Looking for a new 1080p monitor


May 23, 2013
Hey guys,

I'm building a new PC and I also want to get a monitor to upgrade from my super old M2380D TV-monitor hybrid that I've been using for 6 years.

With that in mind, basically everything will look like an upgrade to me, since from what I've read, my display is pretty awful.

I'm looking for a monitor that's under 200€, and while I've looked at many recommendations, they either have a TN panel, an IPS with huge input lag or not available in my country at all.

I ended up with the Asus VN248H-P which looks like an awesome choice, but in my country the variant available is the Asus VN248QA for 178€. I can't find any info on the variant though, so thought maybe some of you know about it.

What is the monitor with the best color reproduction that doesn't have excessive input lag?

Also I will have a GTX 1060, so anything above 75Hz isn't necessary and FreeSync, while awesome, will not be utilized.

I guessed so, it's just the lack of info that made me skeptical.

So what about that monitor? Do you think I should get it or do you have another suggestion?