Looking For a New CPU


May 11, 2012
Hi guys,
I was planing a build recently and the only thing i need now is a mother-board and a CPU.
I wonder what to get : INTEL or AMD.
I know this is a BIG question but i would like to give me some advices.
I've seen a lot of reviews but there the default choice is INTEL .
INTEL Everywhere 😛
I want a good CPU for gaming mostly and video rendering. (a lot of multitasking)
What is wrong with AMD that nobody likes that ?
I want to choose beetwen
AMD FX-8350 and Intel i5-4670k
I want a good performance , not a defective part.
What about upgrading? A CPU wont last for life :),(i will have it for 3-4 years)
Please guys give me some advice ...
And sorry for my bad english :)

My specs are :
256GB Samsung 840 Pro Series
2TB Seagate Barracuda
Gigabyte HD7970

1080p monitor
I will play all the upcoming games like
AC4 Black flag, watch dogs, and all the other games :)
If you do ALOT of gaming the i5 would be better, but if you need to multitask more the FX is better because of the 8 cores. The 8350 should last a little longer as well. Intel offers more pure performance where as AMD offers better multitasking and better performance per dollar.
I prefer AMD, since they have a longer socket compatibility period. Also, they are a much better budget processor.
But, Intel will have better performance in current gaming and editing. The AMD will be better for rendering.

However, in the future, the AMD may be better due to game optimizations for 8 cores. Both the Xbox One and Ps4 use AMD hardware.

U say that intel is better at gaming, but how much better in percentage ?
I've seen reviews i5 vs FX and they were about the same gaming performance.
Sometimes FX won some of the benchmarks :)

I have a FX-6300, and with a decent card, I can max out pretty much any game. If I chose an Intel route, I would have gotten a cheaper graphics card, leading to possible less FPS.
What I am trying to say is, that it depends on the game and graphics card. If you are on a budget, and spend more on the cpu, then you will have to spend less on the gpu. Most games are not too much cpu intensive as long as you have a decent cpu. Gpu is where the money must be spent.

So what do u suggest for a hd7970 ?

From a simple YouTube search for "hd 7970 AMD FX-8350", and from my experience, an AMD video card does pretty good with any cpu compared to a Nvidia card with a lower-end cpu. So, for the price, you might as well get the FX-8350.

Thanks i will go with that option :)