Looking for a new GPU


May 24, 2012
I have a gaming rig at the moment and always play games like Skyrim (with many resolution mods), ArmA 2/3 and other very demanding games.

I was looking at either the EVGA 660 ti, or ASUS 670. If you have other recommendations, feel free.

I also live in Canada so I use newegg.ca or tigerdirect.ca.

For $400 you could get a 7970, which is better than both the 670 and 660ti. Unless you have an aversion to amd gpu's, you would get the best performance out of a 7970, but a 670 would be a good choice.
May I ask why you avoid AMD? The 7950 7970 GPU's are very good. There drivers are very stable. I am running a GTX 670 right now because I thought I would try Nvidia again and am really wishing I had not my AMD was better in performance and stability.
He doesn't need more ram, and besides he was asking about video cards.

Rather than merely looking at specs, look at benchmarks for performance. You will often see that amd's cards are equal or even better than nvidia's. I'm not trying to make you buy amd though.

btw something seems wrong witht that asus card in the comparison... a 670 requiring a 225 watt psu?