Looking For A New Graphics Card For Around $250

Jason Werthman

Mar 14, 2014
Hello, and thank you a lot for taking the time to read this. I am currently looking to order a new graphics card, something like this: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/xfx-video-card-r9285acdbc On the NCIX site it recommends an 850 watt PSU which I know is overkill. I have a 535 watt PSU now and I basically want to get the most powerful card I can without upgrading the PSU and stay under about $250. I think that is a decent card for the price, being on sale, and I was wondering if anyone knew for sure if this PSU could support it: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/raidmax-power-supply-rx535ap I am not looking to change the PSU at all since thats what I have been using, I am wondering if that PSU will be able to support the card, and if anyone has a suggesstion for another card that the PSU could support. I am upgrading from an R7 260x and want something that will perform better, but I do not want a new PSU as I have previously stated. Thankyou for your time and help!

Get the r9 290 with the xfx 650 PSU best for the price .
R9 290 would be the best card at your budget.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: Sapphire Radeon R9 290 4GB Tri-X Video Card ($249.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: XFX 650W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($58.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $308.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-11-25 16:02 EST-0500

Jason Werthman

Mar 14, 2014

Thanks for the quick response, although as I said I really do not want to swap the PSU and I was just looking to see if anyone else knew if this PSU could run this 285, or if there was a more powerful card that this PSU can hold.


Jason Werthman

Mar 14, 2014

Would that PSU be enough to hold a 290?



Sep 10, 2014
Are you planning on overclocking?
What are your specs?

It could possibly. If anything you could just sell your PSU and upgrade to a 650W to be safe.

If you think about it a good 650W would be a good investment anyway.

Hi just to be safe get a 600 or 650 watt PSU if your gonna get a 290