Looking for a new lens to replace the kit lens

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Sep 22, 2014
Hello, for the past months I have been looking for a new lens which is either going to replace my kit lens or just be an extra one. I have three options and I just can't seem to feel comfortable enough with one of them to actually buy one, so i'm seeking help. My options are: Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8, Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4 or Samyang 35mm f/1.8. They seem like great lenses, however i'm not sure if i'll be happy with my final decision. I feel like if I buy the 17-50mm I will lose focal length, which is something I miss with my kit lens...but with the 17-70mm I feel like im missing out on the constant 2.8 and is it worth the extra $100? The samyang seems like a great lens, and since my camera is an APS-C camera I think 50mm will be too zoomed while 35 is perfect, plus the aperture is great and I havent read any bad reviews of this lens...however it's only 35mm so I will clearly miss out on any manual zoom which is why I would then continue using my kit lens as a zoom.

What do you think?

And also, since there are probably some android users reading this, would you pick up the new motorola moto 360 or a new lens so you might get more advanced within pohotgraphy?
If you really like actual macro (shooting such that the sensor magnification goes to 1:1, not just cropping something that is normally much larger than the sensor), consider the Canon 65mm F2.8 MACRO. It's a great macro lens, and you can find used ones for a reasonable amount.
Skip the 360, smartwatches are still 1-2 generations from being useful.

The easiest way to figure out what is best is to just use something like lightroom and figure out what your most used focal lengths and apertures are. Nobody can tell you what is the best for you, but your photos should be able to tell you very well.

Interesting point of view. I always end up shooting macro and tend to zoom all the way in with my kit lens (55mm) so maybe the 17-70 is what im looking for. I'm just scared that I will suddenly want another lens and regret my pruchase. then of course I could get the 35mm for christmas, or maybe it's just a waste of money. I guess I will have ti find out. Cheers!
If you really like actual macro (shooting such that the sensor magnification goes to 1:1, not just cropping something that is normally much larger than the sensor), consider the Canon 65mm F2.8 MACRO. It's a great macro lens, and you can find used ones for a reasonable amount.
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