Looking for a new Nvidia Grahpics Card upgrade


Aug 26, 2011
Which Graphic card should i buy? I hav a budget upto USD $450 ,INR 28~29k
What are the performance improvements for a 900 series over a 700 series?
Kindly suggest me cards which will b future proof and directx 12 support. 4k support..
I need my games to work at proper 60 fps ,High graphic settings. or ultra high..
so 700 series or 900 series? 760,780,790 or 960,,970,980.

I have a 2011 gaming PC
Intel i7 2600-K , asus mobo Z68 V-pro, A Coolermaster Hyper-X cooler, 8 GB corsair RAM,Corsair HX750W Power Supply , Radeon 6870..and a Coolermaster Cabinet GLite Elite-430..

will the new card fit into my cabinet?
first off, budget comes no where near 4k settings, secondly, never use the f word (future proof).
nothing is future proof, and for a gpu, that would be a joke.
if you have such a tight gpu budget, how will you afford a monitor that will run at 4k with decent refresh rate ?
i would suggest a 780 ti, 970, 980, 980ti (in that order)
you most likly will only be ble to get a 970 card and lower (amd equal is a 290x, with lots of heat). i f you can grab a good deal on a 980 for 450 ~500 then go for it.
first off, budget comes no where near 4k settings, secondly, never use the f word (future proof).
nothing is future proof, and for a gpu, that would be a joke.
if you have such a tight gpu budget, how will you afford a monitor that will run at 4k with decent refresh rate ?
i would suggest a 780 ti, 970, 980, 980ti (in that order)
you most likly will only be ble to get a 970 card and lower (amd equal is a 290x, with lots of heat). i f you can grab a good deal on a 980 for 450 ~500 then go for it.
Your i7 is still great for gaming, even today so a GPU upgrade would be very welcomed. The GTX 980ti was just released so the prices of the GTX 980s started to drop; you can probably grab a GTX 980 for $500 maybe less on ebay. But that would be the way to go if you can save up just a little longer. Otherwise, I would go for a GTX 970 if you want something now....both are directx12 and have a good amount of vram (4GB) for 4k support. You can't max out on 4k with either card however, you would need to SLI later on but you should be able to play with high settings, depending on the game.

And yes, they will fit in your case. I built a rig using that case and I was able to put in a GTX 690, a very long card with no problem.

Chill out alsar88, the dude's just asking a question. If his question gets you so upset, don't answer it. There's nothing like seeing attitudes when people didn't ask a question "the right way". This should not be that type of forum, obviously if these folks were "know it all's" like you they wouldn't be asking questions in the first place.

Check your attitude at the door!
There is no such thing as "futureproof", but the newer you go, then the more "future-resistant" you can be.

If you can, try and see if you can purchase a GTX 980 on sale. The GTX 980 reference card costs $500 right now, aftermarket cards will cost a bit more but you might find one for a bit less. Slim chances but perhaps it may happen.
Otherwise, get a GTX 970. Since your price range is $450 USD, I'd recommend getting the best GTX 970 you can find: the EVGA GTX 970 FTW+, costing $390 USD on Newegg.com: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487090
This card is about 257mm long; according to Cooler Master, you should have 315mm of space inside the case. So fitting the card should not be a problem. And your power supply has plenty of leftover power for a GTX 970.

The 900 series is the newest architecture Nvidia can offer; it is the most future-resistant because it will be more likely to support new technologies. For example, old cards today cannot support DirectX12, only the sort-of new cards like AMD's GCN. Whatever technologies released after DirectX 12 will probably be supported by the GTX 900 series.

However, if DirectX 12 is all you really need, you may want to consider buying a high-end R9 290X. I know they are inefficient, power-hungry monsters, but they are still great cards for the price. And since they are GCN, they support the Mantle API as well as DirectX 12. DirectX 12 alone will help your cards last for longer. Of course, even though the R9 290X is more powerful than the GTX 970, the R9 290X uses an older architecture called Hawaii, which was released back in October 2013. The GTX 970 which uses Maxwell was released a whole year later, in fall 2014. So the GTX 970 is more future-resistant, but again, the R9 290X is a stronger card and you already have the power supply to feed either card. Also, while the GTX 970 is smaller, both the GTX 970 and R9 290X will fit in your case.

$390 EVGA GTX 970 FTW+: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487090
$360 ASUS Radeon R9 290X DirectCU II: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121922

Thanks for ur reply.. But how can you declare that i can't afford to buy a 4k monitor when i hav a compressed budget.. Not making sense.. i only asked whether the cards will hav 4k support? yes or no would hav been a better reply.. Whethr i can afford 4k.. Thats my business

Thank you very much.. Appreciate your thoughts on the GPU selection.. If i can get a 980.. for a good deal then awesome.. Otherwise 970..

The cards I mentioned, R9 290X and GTX 970, both offer 4K support.
But they are still very weak at running modern, tough games at 4K. You cannot get a graphics card to run demanding games at 4K for just $450 USD. If it is simple like League of Legends or Team Fortress 2, then yes, these cards should do it with no problems. But if it is not simple, like Crysis 3 or Grand Theft Auto V, then these cards will do a very poor job of it.
Maybe you should consider 1440p, unless you want to pay $650 USD for a GTX 980 Ti. That is a much better choice for 4K.

Yes i do understand.. Thanks.. I have made up my mind for a 980 if i get a good deal or else 970.. is good to go for. 🙂 I do play games like GTA V, Assasins's Crred Unity. FIFA,PES,BAtman series,Crysis series ,Farcry series.. They are workin on medium graphics on my 6870 currently.. Thats y i needed an upgrade.

nah, the r9 290x is definitely better than the 970 (I would say the r9 290 is an equal rival to the 970), and getting an 8gb version of the 290x actually competes okay with the 980 too.

However, since the OP seems to want an Nvidia card, 970 it is for that price range.

im not a bi-fan i guess lol, so i respect both but getting 290x 8gig isnt really worth it, specially that the 980ti is dominating.

an r9 290x 8gb double dissipation edition for $369 on Newegg right now isn't worth it? b0ss pls. Even if you aren't an AMD fan, you still need to recognize that dank bang for your buck right there.

EDIT: They upped the price a bit, it was on sale for the past few days for like $80 cheaper. This is the 2nd time I've seen it go down to around $380 dollars, so if you wait for the right time you can still get it for the price.

wooow you take things to the heart, you must cry when they bring your food late.
you have some issues understanding english. i stated that his budget is not enough and the universal "joke" for the f word (future proof). i gave him advice on the cards. suggested that his budget is tight and to afford what he desires, he will need to consider more than just a GPU.
you are the one who actually seems to have problems, and didnt really give any help with your response.
i forgive you random internet dude.
1) GTX970:
- excellent value, however suffers from the "slow 512 memory" issue which appears to cause STUTTER in many games that use more than 3.5GB. It's difficult to find reliable info on that in part because few games use that much memory currently.

I kept hoping NVidia would produce some simple option to LOCK to 3.5GB for games that showed stutter but for now there's no obvious fix for these scenarios.

For MOST games currently it's an awesome card just keep this in mind.

Recommended GTX970: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-video-card-04gp42974kr

2) GTX980:
- does NOT have the "slow memory issue"
- roughly 15% faster on average than comparable GTX970 (slightly LOWER for CPU-dependent titles when using the 2600K since tests are done on newer CPU)
- less of a value
**Please note that the PRICE CORRECTION due to the GTX980Ti probably hasn't happened yet. Supposedly the cards will drop about $50 since the GTX980Ti reference is a much better card at $650USD.

Recommend GTX980: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-video-card-strixgtx980dc2oc4gd5

There's a couple models I like. I do recommend one that can disable the fans (zero noise) if that's desirable to you. I'm not sure if Gigabyte offers this. EVGA, MSI and Asus do.

3) AMD??
Pros and Cons but I mostly can't recommend.
- many models have quality issues
- produce more HEAT dumped into room
- much NOISIER than 970/980
- lacking several features that the 900 series has (H.265, MFAA... and more)

I have recommended the R9-280X for the cheaper price segment though.

*Look at the GPU comparison link below and note that the GTX970 beats the R9-290X on AVERAGE (about 20 games) and that doesn't even count titles that support MFAA (AA method which can boost frame rate higher). When I checked pricing there wasn't too much difference between cards I considered comparable quality.

GTX970 recommended if the slow memory issue doesn't concern you too much, otherwise I recommend the GTX980 after the price correction which I assume is coming.

Otherwise you can WAIT for newer AMD but not sure when that's coming and most are rebadged GPU's. So far I'm only aware of the R9-390X which I assume is competing with the GTX980Ti? So not quite sure of that situation.

Pricing for NVidia right now is a bit weird. The GTX970 is awesome but has the slow memory issue. The GTX980 doesn't but is a poor value currently compared to the 970 but also compared to the 980Ti.

At $650USD the 980Ti is a really awesome card but then it's about 2X the price of a GTX970 which can max or near max-out many games anyway.

Here's some more info:

When DX12 games come out they should use your CPU a lot more efficiently. There's a pretty good chance you'll little or no CPU bottleneck at all unlike some current games. Hard to say how long DX12 will take to become standard but it's worth considering when thinking about upgrading. You may find your system can last you a bit longer.

W10 is required but it is a free upgrade. I'd recommend waiting until closer to Christmas for a few more things to be sorted out. I'd also do a clean install so plan accordingly. Or you can do a bit of research to see how successful the upgrades are but in my experience usually something goes wrong or isn't quite optimized.

"if you have such a tight gpu budget, how will you afford a monitor that will run at 4k with decent refresh rate ? " were my exact words, which differs from a deceleration. i would say more of a question.
4k monitors are not cheep, i have a curved 27inch 4k monitor and rarely use if for gaming, i generally use my 1440p monitor since i only have a gtx titan.

I'll fill you in a bit on the r9 300 series. The r9 380 is confirmed 4gb GDDR5 and the r9 390x is confirmed 8gb GDDR5. From what I can tell, yes they're refreshes. Their HBM card has not been showcased yet, but will at E3 2015 and is releasing on June 24, with the rest of the series releasing a week before.

Pricing has apparently been "leaked" as of today and shows that the r9 390 will be priced at around $400 and the r9 390x will be priced at $500. Both of which, according to the leak, will have 8gb GDDR5, and the 390x made by PowerColor will be liquid cooled. (Leaks are unconfirmed, Powercolor's liquid cooling confirmed and showcased at Computex however)

Whether you like AMD, support the new and upcoming HBM in AMD's codename "Fury" card, or like Nvidia's overall stability of their cards, one thing's for sure, this month is pretty damn crazy.

i cant agree more, this month has been crazy (all 4 days of it). i was take when i was at the gym and saw all the reviews pop up about the 980ti and its humbleness.