Looking for a new video card


Nov 4, 2013
So I'm looking for suggestions for a new video card. I'm stuck looking at mid end items around 200$ and less as my CPU will bottleneck for sure most of the GPUS. I have an i3 2130 and I already have plans of upgrading to an i5 in the next 3 months.
I'm currently looking at three cards.
Any input is much appreciated!
I would up budget $20 for a 280(non x) which is a lot faster than all those cards, perfect for your PSU and also great with your i3 and/or i5 upgrade.

I'd love to purchase that 280x, now I could actually afford it, problem is...... I only run a cx500 power supply so im limited with my options. And I can't purchase a psu and a 280x, more money than I have to spend right now.

That PSU supports graphics cards up to 2x8-pin so it's not an issue. A GTX770 for example uses a 6-pin and 8-pin.

SUMMARY BENCHMARK for card performance:

The R9-280X is 27% faster than an R9-270X but proportionately more money (about $240 versus $160 for similar coolers). The XFX R9-270X seems a good value:

Whereas the Asus R9-270X may cost more but it's got a better cooler and is overclocked about 10% higher in default: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-video-card-r9270xdc2t2gd5

I recommend the i5-3570 since it can get 3.8GHz in Turbo. The i5-3570K is a little more but also needs a good cooler if overclocking as well as a motherboard that supports that so keep in mind.

The Gigabyte R9-280 seems a good choice at $200. It sits between the R9-270X and R9-280X:

It also has 3GB of VRAM for when/if this becomes an issue:

I'm roughly estimating up to 20% better on average than an R9-270X of similar cooler but it's closer to $40 IMO if comparing similar quality cards.

So the VALUE appears to be roughly identical (20% higher cost and 20% better performance).
If I do decide to go for the 280 it would take me an extra week of saving but oh well. Tbh the 280 would last me far longer than my 7770, I've been using the 770 for about a year and a half and im already in low to medium settings on most games, naturally I run a 1080p res.

I'm almost tempted to do what you suggested purchase this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150686&cm_re=r9_270x-_-14-150-686-_-Product
then go ahead and begin savings and when holiday rolls around upgrade to a 4th gen i5 and snag a new lga 1150 mobo.

Would it be worth saving the basically the 40$ so I can get the 4th gen i5(and lga 1150 mobo), or spend the 40$ get the 280, then on holiday get a 3rd gen i5?

3rd to 4th gen you wouldn't see much difference however the 280 is a lot faster than the 270X


Not bad! Did you see this one that has a slightly higher clock for the same price:


Yeah, the reason I linked the XFX model is its lifetime warranty, which if i buy the r9 280 I'll probably have it for 4 years before I change it out.

This isn't a bad card either;

I would like to pick this as well, sadly I can't pick two best answers, sorry!

A great $150 GPU for sure, I think the 280 is worth the extra $50 but I'm the guy who bought a 780ti OC when it went on sale for $660 because I couldn't max everything with my 670.

We're all that guy 😀

photonboy is always spot on and has the best breakdowns!


1) 1-Year vs 3-Year WARRANTY
(the new Gigabyte is probably a 3-year Warranty)

*Also you can get a BRAND NEW version with 3-year Warranty for only $10 more (after MIR):

2) Possibly louder card (blower style)

3) Lower performance. I estimate the GTX660 at about 77% of the R9-280:
http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/Gigabyte/R9_280X_OC/26.html (hard to find info on single chart. You can look back at the TweakTown link I found showing the R9-280 roughly 20% at times faster than an R9-270X, and the fact that the GTX660 sits BELOW the R9-270X. Anyway, I'm pretty close.)

4) 2GB vs 3GB

NVida advantages:
- PhysX, TXAA, Shadowplay (desktop/game recording with minimal impact), G-Sync (needs a new monitor)

Absolutely do NOT get a refurbished card that saves you $10, has been used, and reduces your Warranty to a third of what it was.

Anyway, you should have everything you need by now to make a decision.

I actually ordered a 7870 for 130$ after rebate brand new by XFX
Was such a good deal, did my research and it was only a few frames slower than the pricier rebranded r9 270x.