Looking for a Phone + Tablet


Feb 21, 2014
So I have an iPhone 5, and it seems that it has become so battered that it is nearing the end of it's life, so I decided to change my phone (and also get a tablet). Since I got a windows laptop to replace my mac about a year ago, I am thinking about getting a windows phone and tablet for the sake of continuous use. The tablet needs to have pressure sensitivity since I quite enjoy sketching, and as a result also not be too small. I am thinking of spending up to the maximum of $2000 on them, but if the prices exceed that I may consider that as well. The main thing is that they have to be able to be synced up really easily with each other (laptop with phone with tablet) for music and other such things, and if another company other than windows can sync up easily with a windows laptop as well, I might give that a look too. Thanks in advance for the help!