Looking for a psu upgrade over antec vp450p


Dec 8, 2017
My antec vp450p is giving me trouble(black screen) while playing games on my gtx 1060 6gb with i3 so im planning to buy a new psu and i was looking at 500watts or more. So i narrowed down on

1- Antec NE550M bronze
2- Cooler master master watt 550 bronze

Which one would be better as both the units don't have many reviews available on the internet to make a solid choice.

I don't want to go for a seasonic s12 520 (for that price i can get a Antec EA550 watt gold pro with 7 year warranty but i feel that would be an overkill for my rig as i don't oc also i've heard s12 520 will soon be replaced and costs 30dollars more here in India. Please suggest me a PSU.
If memory serves me correctly the CX is non-modular, while the CXM is modular. Probably identical otherwise.

I have a CX430M myself (see profile for spec), but it was pretty low spec / power demand. Even adding a GTX 1050 later, the wattage wasn't much more than 200W. But I wanted a good brand, at least Bronze, and modular.

Around 1,200 days usage so far, at 16-18 hrs per day. So far, so good.
Not sold on either, personally, but if I had to choose, the Cooler Master.


Antex NE (Neo Eco) supposedly tier 3 rated, while the Cooler Master is supposedly tier 2 rated (no idea how they come to these ratings, so pinch of salt).

Have you considered also the Corsair RM550x Gold? I've heard generally good things about it, and am very happy with my own Corsair PSU (older model).

My budget does not allow me to get a rmx550 in india its 125-150 dollars as compared to In USA where it is 110 dollars. i just heard master watt uses teapo capacitors rated at 85 degree and that can be a con while gaming for long hours as pointed out by many guys. Neo eco 520M on the other hand has absolutely no review in the market that i could find to judge its performance by.

was wondering why the new cx and cxm units are placed below the Master watt series and if i choose between those 2 what would be better quality with respect to the price it commands..

If memory serves me correctly the CX is non-modular, while the CXM is modular. Probably identical otherwise.

I have a CX430M myself (see profile for spec), but it was pretty low spec / power demand. Even adding a GTX 1050 later, the wattage wasn't much more than 200W. But I wanted a good brand, at least Bronze, and modular.

Around 1,200 days usage so far, at 16-18 hrs per day. So far, so good.

Thanks for your input, ordered a cx550 because modular ones were not available and the NE550M was tier 4 and not tier3.