Looking for a RAID card - 8 drives in a server environment


May 4, 2015
As the title says I'm looking for a RAID card that supports at least 8 drives. They are SATA drives and will be hosting databases, SVN repository, and a couple low bandwidth websites.

When it comes to RAID cards I really don't know much at all so finding one to suit my Work's needs is proving difficult (I'm not the IT guy - I'm a programmer. My qualifications for getting chosen to build the server are that I build gaming PCs....)

The RAID card will have to be compatible with this motherboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132268

I believe they will be using RAID 10 but I'm not 100% sure on that. Reliability is top priority followed by speed. Motherboard/Software RAID is not an option (bosses decision).

Any suggestions?