Question Looking for a reliable budget motherboard (around $75 or less.)


Dec 20, 2011
Kid's old PC finally died; am on a budget with this as was planning on doing an ITX build later when prices/stock normalize, but I see plenty of Micro/ATX mobos under $75 but see cases for $50 so still within budget. Just looking for a reliable motherboard that is within my budget, any suggestions?
Kid's old PC finally died; am on a budget with this as was planning on doing an ITX build later when prices/stock normalize, but I see plenty of Micro/ATX mobos under $75 but see cases for $50 so still within budget. Just looking for a reliable motherboard that is within my budget, any suggestions?
Do you have a processor in mind already?


mITX builds are typically more costly. Probably as much due to the lower quantities being sold (economies of scale and all that) as the compact nature of parts that demands higher quality components be used in critical areas.
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Do you have a processor in mind already?


mITX builds are typically more costly. Probably as much due to the lower quantities being sold (economies of scale and all that) as the compact nature of parts that demands higher quality components be used in critical areas.
i3-10100; was planning on a i5-11400 but budget constraints doing it right now.
mITX boards were reasonably priced in comparison to mATX couple of years ago before all the shortages etc.