Looking for a Reliable PSU(650W)

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Oct 3, 2011
Hi, i am looking for a 650W PSU with a budget around 60-70 Euros 70-80 dollars that it will last.
After a lot of research i found this Thermaltake Smart Se Modular 630W for 62 euros(0 trusted reviews),Antec Neo Eco 620C for 67 euros but also something stranger EVGA SuperNova 850W B2 for 105 euros..i know it's a killer price(based on Jonnyguru's review on 750 B2 scored 9) but i am in a dilemma about the extra 40euros but in the other hand i could SLI in the future (i Live in Greece BTW)
My build:
Q6600 3.6Ghz(about to upgrade to i5 4690k)
G41m(about to upgrade to Asus Rog Ranger)
GTX 570(future upgrade to 970 or later nvidia)
2x4gb DDR3 g skill 1333mhz ram
1 Kingston SSD 128
2 HDD 500GB WD 7200

i am open to all recommendations 😀
Newegg reviews mean nothing and should never actually be considered to be 100% honest. That is just how it is. There are AMAZING top quality PSUs on newegg with 3 stars and there are terrible junk units with 5. The reviews mean nothing.

I have seen CX units fry multiple computers. They are not good. Any REAL review from a trusted source will show this.

yeah i noticed the 10 years warranty but it's too much for my budget...

Tiny voices another option is XFX TS 750W for 90 euros and something else that i dont feel safe it's Zalman ZM 700 LX based on Tier List it's Tier 2 PSU..... if i dont find something in range of 60-70 euros max i l save money for the EVGA 850 B2 5 years warranty and trusted review cant go wrong ...

i was just doing a little reading and most sites reviewing this seem to give it pretty positive feedback, I am sure you are going to go and find the 1 or 2 that don't but i am just making a point that for the money the PSU is not that bad. Seems to get 8/10 mostly and that's not bad for a budget PSU

XFX should be fine i guess but i read a lot of complains about noisy fan after a while i hope this wont happen to me 😛
about EVGA 850 B2 ,it would be a good deal for the extra15 euros i guess and also would give a lot of room on set up for lower temps/fan noise and better efficiency i guess

i got your point i was about to buy a corsair cx/cs series but then i came up with many reviews warning about the Poor quality of the Caps and some rail problems..

That was after a quick google search too, you must not be reading, I never said they were great units, I said they are not all bad for budget builds.

I think it's you that is simply wrong, a lot of people have success with them regardless of them having cheaper parts, you get what you pay for, and i even said there is better to be had for the money. READ!
I have owned a cx600 that damaged a computer. For VERY budget builds they are alright, but recommending one for anything more than an office build or $450 light gaming build is an awful decision.

Also of people had success with the Ford Pinto daily driving it, but that does not make it in any capacity a good car. When rear-ended they still exploded and killed people. Just because EVERYONE who had one didn't die, doesn't make it not an awful car. Just like how just because not everyone had a cx unit fry their computer doesn't makes them not bad.

Flawed by design = flawed by design. Simple.

I agree there are MUCH better units for the money.

Those reviews explain that it performed well in their tests, not that it is a quality unit made with quality parts.
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