Looking for a secure relatively cheap laptop that will work for holding important information.

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Mar 4, 2018
I'm wanting to be a laptop to use only for secure banking and other sensitive information. There is a specific person I think might have infected my previous computers with keyloggers, and or other types of malware. They gave me a usb with lots of music on it, and I put it onto my pc, as well as my laptop. They joked that there was secretly malware on it that would either be maybe a keylogger, or something that would send them a sort of "Screenshot" of what was on my pc, and that it wouldn't be that hard to individually find some malware that could go undetected by virus software, and that could potentially attatch itself to the bios, so I would need a whole new motherboard along with hard drive to really get rid of it. We talked about it for a while, and at the time I relatively trusted them that we were just having a hypothetical discussion. But, then later we had another discussion like that where they jokingly 'admitted' to stealing pills from my father that had gone missing, along with other sarcastic sounding remarks that I ignored at the time. Eventually they rather hurriedly wanted to move out, and left to live somewhere else, and stole several things that were just sitting around on their way out that I now know for certain, which leads me to believe they definitely weren't joking before, and they are indeed just a <mod edit> person, which they said. Hello <mod edit> person, good job, you were right, you're an <mod edit> and a bad person. Just saying that cause now I'm still on the potentially keylogged computer, because that's all I have right now.

Anyway, I'm looking for suggestions on a decent laptop that would only be used for stuff like that, that will work fast enough to not be annoying, but it doesn't have to be amazing for everything.


This is what I'm looking at now, and any help would be appreciated.

<Moderator Warning: Watch your language in these forums>
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