Looking for a upgrade from a 750 Ti

Oz Oner

Aug 30, 2014
It has been over 7 months since my last post about upgrading my GPU and the time has finally come.

my current build is:

FX-6300 Black edition OC @ 4.2 - Hyper 212X evo
MSI Twin Frozr 750 ti
Crucial Ballistix Sport 2x4 GB DDR3
Asrock 980DE3/U3S3
Corsair VS450 450 Watts

I've been looking to upgrade my GPU for a while now, and since wattage calculators have been displaying that my load Wattage is around 264 Watts i am assuming that i can still upgrade my GPU beyond a 1050 Ti, keeping the bottleneck of my current CPU in mind.

So, is there any other GPU i could upgrade to instead of a gtx 1050 Ti? Or is the 1050 Ti my best bet?
My budget is around 200-250 euros, i'm from the Netherlands

Thank you in advance

sr i forgot to include this in my other thread.
would it be possible to plug my cryorig h7 fan into my fan controller my nzxt grid plus v2.
also on my h7 the heatshrink the stuff the hold the braided cable sleving on came off what do i do