Looking for a Video card! suggestions!


Jan 12, 2011
My computer.
i5 2500k 3.3ghz
1Tb HD
8gb ram

right now im just using the built in video.
Dont need to break the bank on a video card as I only play old games.
Any suggestions on a budget card to suite my needs?
A good cheap graphics card is the R7 260X, it should run most modern titles on medium settings/1080p/60FPS and do even better at older games. I got mine for £60, but it might vary wherever you are.

If you're looking for something with a bit more punch then I recommend the GTX 960, it's about £160 and can max out most games at 1080p.

R7 200 series have many situations of random frame drops, make sure to search pretty deep the hole before upgrading the GPU.
Does your motherboard support what you gonna buy? I had do that mistake paid the price..