Sig2525 :
the i5-4460 (189.99 dollars on newegg) and msi h81 mobo (44.99 dollars on newegg) = 234.98 dollars
now lets compare to the fx 6300 (109.99 on newegg) and fx 990 (129.99 about the cheapest i saw on newegg) = 239.98
or fx 970 (69.99 cheapest i saw on newegg) = 179.98 - 50 dollar difference
there i calculated.
for 50 dollars more you can get an i5-4460 which performs on par on some title and performs better on most games compared to an overclocked FX-8350 - except now you have to bear with the cheap mobo but it wont matter as it wont lessen the performance of the processor or any other components of your system.
Are you seriously out of your mind?
First of all, i5-4460 does NOT outperform AMD FX-8350K and ONLY thing that actually outperforms FX by slight bit is the Single core performance but it does not matter because of most of the games or applications in the market nowadays supports Multi-Core application and even GPU support.
Secone, getting a cheap motherboard is NOT a good thing for Intel-based CPUs, because: first, the actual quality and the system is crap. Second, cheap motherboards tends to short-circuit mother components after awhile, and last: If you want some upgradability (rather to spend $200 later for better board) is better to have decent board now to have some headroom for upgradability.