Looking for advice on a gaming chair

Dmitriy Afanasyev

Dec 3, 2013
I am looking to get a gaming chair this Christmas. That is a chair with built-in speakers, designed to improve sound immersion for the person sitting in it. Now, I know that these speakers aren't going to be great, but they are bound to be better than the TV ones that I am currently using.

As I look at the models available, I see that most of them are only 2.1 channels. In fact, I only found one chair with 5 speakers - http://www.amazon.com/Rocker-51259-Audio-Gaming-Wireless/dp/B004F1KXVG/ref=pd_sbs_hg_2

And the problem with this chair is that this model appears to be back from 2008/9. Does anyone know of recently developed gaming chairs that would be better? Is 4.1 really that much better than a 2.1 when we are talking about furniture? I generally try to buy the latest product and I cringe to admit that the best item is still only equipped with RCA inputs. Thanks!
What's your take on the sound quality of these? The X-Rocker Pro is only chair I found that has 4.1 surround sound. I am not sure why other chairs only come with two speakers + bass, but I am inclined to think that 4 speakers are better than 2.

I'd think this too, as I would believe that it gives more surround and crisp sound than 2 speakers :)

Right? Thank you.

Which brings me to my original question - has anyone tried this 4-speaker chair and how does the sound quality hold up? And have there been any new developments in this area in the past 5 years? The X-Rocker H3 4.1 which is recommended on most websites as #1 chair was released in 2008.