Looking for advice on new build for Gaming!


Apr 29, 2013
Hello to all my fellow Toms. I am looking to build a new gaming pc and specifically want to play Star Wars, Star Trek Online and WoW on it.

I already have a Western Digital 64GB HDD that I may take from my current computer in favor of the Seagate 1TB HDD (both are on the list). I really need help picking an AMd Radeon video card. I also have an HP DH16ABLH DVD Writer that may be compatible in favor of the LG GH24NS95 DVD Writer.

Budget is ~$800-950.

Here is my PCPartPicker list: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/SpdDmn28/saved/h6bRsY

Budget is no more than $950

In that case, you have room for a GPU that costs around 239$
That area is a bit uncertain as of now. I would wait a month for the GTX 960 to launch and would grab that, but if you can't wait, theres not much of a choice. Get an R9 280x. The cheapest version available.

Still I would suggest waiting.

OTOH, If you can sacrifice 8 GB of RAM, you'll get 80$ more to spend on a GPU. At this point, a GTX 970 is currently the best GPU which gives massive performance (equivalent and mostly better than a GTX Titan) and takes a very less amount of power. It also runs cool and silent. So if you can, this is the best choice!


Ok, but are the parts that I already own compatible with my current config?

Compatibility should not be an issue here. Go with it!

Definitely get the GTX 970 if you can manage that. It is the best bang for the buck you can expect to get.

I'm the detailtype of person. So what you're saying is that the DVD Writer and the HDD that I have will work in my new computer build and I don't need to buy new ones?

Yes both of them will. They use the same slots as their predecessors and will fit in the exact same amount of space!

Perfect, thank you!

Anytime! Can you please resolve the thread then?

Almost forgot, I want to install fresh copy of Windows 7, will the SSD space be enough.
Yes, but you will have to conserve space a bit. In that I mean you sshouldn't install your programs on it then. W7 will take approx 7-8 GBs in your ~29GB total space so that should do. Install all the games on your HDD only.

The only disadvantage will be loading times in games, but there won't be any effect on the FPS.

Ok, thank you.

OP requests closing of post.