Hi guys, I am currently moving into a new home and I was wondering what is the optimal set up for me to have my ISP install the modem and router. My home set up is downstairs will be the living room with my TV/PS4/Fire TV box that I will be using for streaming videos, occasional gaming. now upstairs toward the opposite end of the downstairs living room is my office where I will be downloading large files quite often, regular web browsing, e-mails, and gaming on my PC. Now I am not sure where I should set up my modem and router so that it would be optimal for the household. I do download a lot of files on my office pc and if I install the modem there would it be too far and away from the living room set up and effect the speed for streaming videos downstairs? Or if I have them install the modem and router in the living room would a router be strong and fast enough to cover my downloading and gaming needs upstairs? Which set up would be optimal? I plan on getting the up to 200Mpbs internet package from TWC.Thank you!