Looking for an e-tailer for a Freezer 7 Pro


Feb 19, 2007
I am in the market for an Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro, upgrading from stock cooling so I can do a little overclocking with some good temps. The only place I've ordered from is Newegg.com but for some reason it's $60 on the site. I was just wondering if anyone has had good experiences with some of the e-tailers that offer it at $30 or less, or if anyone knows a good place that I'm missing.

It is currently in stock at casecooler.com, heatsinkfactory.com, coolerguys.com, and other places I've never heard of.

It's only $25 on xpcgear.com, and I've heard of them but has anyone dealt with them?

It's out of stock at xoxide.com

Thanks in advance.