Looking for an external HDD enclosure, UASP compliant

White Wind

Dec 20, 2013
I have bought a 3TB Toshiba HDD ( MG03ACA300 - 3.5" SATA3 7200rpm 64MB ) I got it new for relatively cheap, and now I'm searching for a very good single-bay, usb3 and uasp compliant external enclosure for it.
But there are so many of them, I don't really know how to begin with my search, as it seems there are no comparative reviews ( at least none that I could find ! )

I think performance may differ among them since some would have a better usb controller ( or a better implementation of it ) which would offer faster and optimized uasp transfers.
My board is an Asus Z87 Maximus VI Gene and I'll be using the Asus USB3 Boost software for my uasp transfers.

On an other note, would you recommend using a sata3-->usb3 converter and plug the enclosure into the usb3 ? That would mean more performance ?

My budget is around 80$. If you can provide advices, links or propose models, that would be appreciated.

Thanks, I'll take a deeper look into that tomorrow, as a first step

And about the interface, you said you get faster speed with eSata, but compared to what ? Usb3, or Usb3 with Uasp ?

I just know that the theoretical maximal bandwiths are 6Gbps for eSata, and like 8 for the Usb3-Uasp
Though I still wonder, what about the files going through Usb3-Uasp ( on the HDD/enclosure side ) and then going through eSata, on the pc side