Looking For An Upgrade


Jul 11, 2017
My Pc is almost 3 years old and i would like to upgrade it.

PSU:Thermaltake 630W

What Should i upgrade first and for what.

The 1050TI would most certainly be a sidegrade. In other words you wouldn't notice a significant boost in gaming performance. A waste of money. The 1060 6GB or the RX 480 8GB/580 8GB would be the lowest performing cards I would recommend. The issue(INSANELY HUGE PROBLEM) right now is cryptomining(etherium). Long story short? It has drastically inflated mid-range cards.

It's probably the worst time in the history of gaming graphic cards to buy a card.
Question from HadjiPetter : "Looking For An Upgrade"


Roger. Thanks alot i found one and i will buy it soon.Thanks

The 1050TI would most certainly be a sidegrade. In other words you wouldn't notice a significant boost in gaming performance. A waste of money. The 1060 6GB or the RX 480 8GB/580 8GB would be the lowest performing cards I would recommend. The issue(INSANELY HUGE PROBLEM) right now is cryptomining(etherium). Long story short? It has drastically inflated mid-range cards.

It's probably the worst time in the history of gaming graphic cards to buy a card.
The 1050TI would most certainly be a sidegrade. In other words you wouldn't notice a significant boost in gaming performance. A waste of money. The 1060 6GB or the RX 480 8GB/580 8GB would be the lowest performing cards I would recommend. The issue(INSANELY HUGE PROBLEM) right now is cryptomining(etherium). Long story short? It has drastically inflated mid-range cards.

It's probably the worst time in the history of gaming graphic cards to buy a card.

So should i just save up my money?


I think you should. Welll... https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125881 is only about $40 over priced. Probably just about the best upgrade/value at the moment.

~30$ more expensive than what we get here. Like I said try a local shop. If not, wait till the prices come down unless money is not an issue.


i will just wait because local shops have it around from 370-400 euro.