Looking for approval for my gaming build


Jul 8, 2014
Hey guys !
I've finally put together all the elements for my future gaming rig, looking to start shopping for them this weekend to have them shipped next week :) I've already asked multiple times about separate parts, but I'm still looking to get an ultimate look from more experienced and knowledgeable (and obviously nice, strong and beautiful as well) people on the finished product !
Here it is !
As you can see, goal is to run most games at 4k in high to max settings, or 2560x1440 for the most demanding. I was a bit worried about the heat generated by a double r9 290x, for I only have a CPU cooler, but from what I know my case has got an excellent airflow, so I think I'll try it that way. If it still proves too hot or I decide to add a third GPU in the future, I may very well go all-in and put a few hundreds in a complete watercooling set, but in the mean-time, it'll have to work that way ! Estimated wattage is around 870W, and my PSU is set for 1000, so I couldn't really get any additional fans (most I saw for VGAs requiring around 300W), and I figure it ought to hold well (over 100W of spare room is enough, right ?)
So, whaddya think ? I'm open to any comments and suggestions regarding a particular part or the whole thing ! Thank you for your answers !
The storage is the only thing I'm not sure I understand. You have a SSD, then the 10000 rpm HDD. You could get more storage for the money if you went with a lower RPM drive, say a 7200 RPM or a WD green, without sacrificing too much speed. This is all assuming that the HDD is for basic storage, so I could be completely off base here.

Aside from that it looks good.

Thanks for the reply ! Your comment is pretty spot on, I obviously went for an SSD, and then figured I'd need an extra 500GB for storage, but I didn't really give much thought to the price or specs, just went for one that seemed popular and had good reviews ^_^ I will try to find a cheaper alternative, and if it happens to spare me more than a few bucks, you'll have convinced me !
Thanks a lot for your time and the great tip ! ^_^

EDIT: Well, as you said, I did find a very well reviewed 7200 RPM 500GB drive for about 70$ less (this one), so again, thank you for pointing that out !