Looking For Best Graphics Card Under $200


Oct 7, 2016
Hi, I have an HP Compaq 8300 Elite sff https://www.google.ca/search?q=hp+compaq+8300+elite+sff&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA700CA700&espv=2&biw=1745&bih=885&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj067ihhebQAhVM0GMKHWZNBxIQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=u3PPtM99RIb-PM%3A and i want to get a graphics card under $200 for that computer. It's a core
i5 3570 3.40GHz with 4gb of ram. I originally wanted a GTX GeForce 1050Ti 4GB https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-Support-04G-P4-6253-KR-Rodgers/dp/B01MF7EQJZ/ref=sr_1_2/157-4108670-8313550?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1481249537&sr=1-2&keywords=graphics+card because its a small card, it looks badass and the name is sick. I also see the Radeon RX 460 4GB https://www.amazon.com/STRIX-Radeon-Gaming-Graphics-STRIX-RX460-O4G-GAMING/dp/B01K1JVQI4/ref=sr_1_9/157-4108670-8313550?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1481249537&sr=1-9&keywords=graphics+card Both very badass and sick looking cards with sick sounding names. Which is better and is it compatible with my computer? My cousin also has the same exact PC but he wants the GeForce GTX 950 2GB. Is that also compatible?

It appears you have a small form factor HP Compaq 8300 desktop case, which will limit the compatible GPUs that will fit in your case. For that case you will need a low profile GPU. Currently, the GTX 750 Ti is the best low profile GPU availible; however, MSI has announced a low profile GTX 1050 Ti, but it's not yet available. The GTX 1050 Ti low profile will be the best GPU to fit in your current PC case.

The GTX 950 2GB is not low profile, and will not fit. Also, it would not be recommended because it uses more power, and your power supply is only 320W. The GTX 1050 and GTX 1050 Ti and RX 460 use less power; but you will need low profile to fit your case. You could always measure it to find out for sure if the GPU will fit.
It won't fit. None of them will. Your PC is SFF, which means it's small form factor (slim). If you look in the back, you'll see that you don't have any full-sized PCI slots, which you need for these graphics cards (and basically every other one except maybe a 750ti).

Im was going for a 500w power supply. I dont mind keeping the case open anyways so can i do that? because 1. the side panel is broken it wont close 2. more air flow.

I want something more newer, more swaggy and powerful. My first choice was the 750ti then I've seen the other cards.

I dont know what brand it is, but my PC is from HP. The wattage is 320w. I'm going to upgrade to a 500w PSU.