S Savant-ism Reputable Nov 21, 2014 30 0 4,530 Nov 21, 2014 #1 Hey all! I'm currently looking for a Canadian (ex. NCIX, newegg.ca etc) PSU with a 500+ Wattage, Modular, and on either Tier 1,2 or maybe 3. The company can be anything in the top tiers.
Hey all! I'm currently looking for a Canadian (ex. NCIX, newegg.ca etc) PSU with a 500+ Wattage, Modular, and on either Tier 1,2 or maybe 3. The company can be anything in the top tiers.
rockie_ Splendid Sep 20, 2014 6,022 0 27,960 Nov 21, 2014 Solution #2 http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/part/rosewill-power-supply-hive550 Upvote 0 Downvote Solution