[SOLVED] looking for case ideas

Math Geek

finally working on the parts for building a mini itx build and wondering if there's been any awesome tiny cases that have come out in the last year or so. i still like the cooler master elite 130 but wonder if there has been anything new that competes with size and usability of this case?

i like these types where the mobo sits flat rather than simply those mini atx looking cases where it mounts to the side of the case. but i'd be open if it was just such an awesome case too good to pass up.

i'll replace the fans so they are nice and quiet and plan on an r5 2600 and mini 1070 to go with it. pretty much have the rest of the system picked but am looking to see if any new tiny cases have come out lately i should consider.

the case can hold a large gpu but am looking at the MSI 1070 mini to keep the case as tidy as possible. i need 2 hdmi ports and not many cards have them. i'd also be open to other ideas for a 1070/ti that has 2 hdmi ports if it is super quiet without me having to change fans on it.
the fractal node 202 looks interesting. i'll have to look into that one a bit more. h200 is not really what i'm looking at but the other 2 you linked are in the right direction. will have to do some research and see how they compete with the elite 130 from cooler master. i like the idea of intake fan being right up front, so the silverstone model is likely not gonna give me the warm and fuzzy i want.

thanks for the ideas though. do you have any experience with any of these that you can pass along? i've built with the elite 130 before but not with any of the others you suggested.
I absolutely love to build in mini itx cases and i've looked at the cooler master elite 130. My only gripe is that you are limited in cpu cooler height and the psu is right over the motherboard. My go to is the Thermaltake Core V1, because of it's ease of installation and the one 200mm front intake fan, as most mini itx motherboards don't have many fan headers. I've also been toying with the idea of building in a lazer3d case, with a powerboard/external brick, as opposed to a power supply:
After the black friday sales I built a HTPC using a NZXT H200i. While the mobo does not lay flat, it is a very good looking case and I have been very pleased with it. The only problem with it is is is a little larger than some mITX cases, but it is still pretty small and looks very clean.

You can get the h200 for around $90. The only difference between the H200i and the H200 is an led strip and fan controller.

Here is a pic of the build.

Wow that L3D LZ7 is a handsome case (I like the wood). My config came in at £162.09 = $205....that's a bit spendy, but it is a one-off case.
I might have to incorporate some wood inlays in some of my future case mods.

Also froggy - nice job with the build. Custom PSU cabling looks nice.
The ZALMAN CNPS9500AT is a perfect cpu cooler for the Thermaltake Core V1 also because the heatsync is more 3d and the side vent can intake air and hit the side of the finstack. Additionally, the front 200mm fan can provide enough positive air pressure to hit the stack as well. My locked i7 4790 gets close but barely hits 50c under full load in that chassis.
Note: I edited the thermals from 60c to 50c. I actually had to review texts to one of my friends that had the thermal info, as i'm at work. It's a solid cpu cooler which should allow ample headroom for overclocking.
not sure yet about cooling. looking at ryzen 5 right now which is not that hot overall. can likely do with the stock wrath cooler.

but since the recent article where they crammed a ton of power into a small case, i'm actually thinking a small water cooling set-up. might get a smaller AIO but still looking the options over. would save space with the cooler and should be able to mount it easy enough. part of what i'm looking at with the cases is what can be mounted where while still being nice and small. i've done a small AIO before with the elite 130 so i assume it'll fit in the others as well.