Looking for compatible card without fan preferably, Aged PC, AMD Athlon 3800+, 8600 GTs died


Jul 31, 2014
Hi, I have a rather aged motherboard, Socket 939 which does have SLI capability but I think that this is first PCI Express x16. Motherboard is Foxconn something like N4FSK8RAA. Both XFX 8600 GTs small capacitors expanded and I am getting Exception errors and system has issues.

It runs 4 gb of DDR 3200 (yes that old), AMD 2.0 Ghz 3800+

The case is rather compact fit but I was able to fit two Nvidia 8600 GTs in there and I was quite happy that I was able to play Saboteur game and now begun playing Transformers - Revenge of the fallen. It actually worked pretty well at low res settings.

I am not looking for something extraordinary but a low-end video card that would score up to 5.8 on Vista or Windows 7 rating.

(Also, just to mention, I do have an old PCI-Express cable adapter (2 Molex to 1 old PCI express) so that could also come in to play if needed.)

Is there any card that would be compatible, compact, and preferably without a fan that would run in my system. I was working on one system with I believe GTX 210 and I think the score was decent, I am looking for something a little higher.
