Looking for compatible RAM with G.Skill F2-8800 Pi Series CL5 4GB


Nov 21, 2013
Hi everybody,

I want to add a new RAM set to my computer but i dont know if the memory i want to buy ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231166 ) would work well with my current set because the new set works with 2-2.1V and the old set with 1.8-1.9V What do you think about this? Do you recommend another set than would work fine ? I usually use the computer for gaming.

The especifications of my Pc are:

- Intel Quad Core Q9450
- Asus Formula Rampage http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16813131284
- Memory 4Gb G Skill 8800 http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/G...800CL5D-4GBPI/

Thanks in advance

It is best to use the same type of RAM, if not, you can encounter issues. If you can not find the PI RAM, try the PK series. If they can not match, contact the G.Skill RMA dept. to see if they can help with some sort of exchange so 8GB can work in your computer.

Thank you