Looking for Confirmation on whether these PC builds would work

I've already ordered most of the first build, minus GPU and disc drive. I'm not looking to compare either build, just confirm both of these builds are compatible with all the parts inside of them. I just want to get these parts without worrying whether or not the parts will be incompatible with one another.
WD Green drives are ok for media storage, but they're a bit slow as primary drives (for OS, applications and games). If that is your intended use for the drive, I'd suggest going for WD Blue instead.

You're also missing Windows from both builds.

EDIT: Saw now you posted you had already ordered most of build #1.
There's a shop that actually sells Windows 7 / 8 / 10 keys and discs for about 20 cheaper than anything I can find online. Guy runs a PC assembly business of sorts, virus removals, etc. The Windows copies he sells are pretty much the cheapest thing he sells there.