Looking for Data Revovery advice


Sep 18, 2012

I recently had an issue where I lost a drive. Its a WD 2TB hard disk. it was brand new and I recently transferred a few hundred gigs of data onto it. It was stable for about a week so I recycled the old drive. A few days ago the drive failed. it wont register when installed internally. when I hook it up as an external, Windows 7 cannot read it and wants to format it.

I am looking for a way to access the data but This isnt really my speciality so if anyone has suggestions for software or hardware that can get me those files, I would appreciate it.
Thank you.
Right now I will take any opportunity. I need this data. So far this has been a comedy of errors. I even made a backup of the data before the transfer. After the drive failed I attempted to use the backup but the backup file is corrupt. So my only chance is to somehow get the drive to register long enough to pull the files off of it.